Onion Thrip

Credit: Jack Clark/Agstockusa/Science Photo Library
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Common names: Onion Thrip
Scientific name: Thrips
Region: This insect pest is found
through out the vegetable-producing areas of the U.S. and Canada as
well as in many other regions of the world.
cycle: The female Thrip lays eggs (10 to 100)
which she inserts singly into tender plant tissue that hatch 4 to 10
days later. These thrips produce numerous generations each year.
A new generation emerges every two to three weeks.
When the eggs hatch, they undergo two larvae stages that
actively feed on plant tissue.
The larvae feed for about 5 days before pupating in the soil.
About 4 days later, new adults emerge from the soil to feed and lay
eggs. Although winged adults are frail fliers, they are capable of
flying from plant to plant and can be carried long distances by wind.
In some areas, overwintering occurs in the egg stage in plant
debris. This insect pest breed year round in warm areas.

Onion Thrip life-cycle
A. Adult, B & C Nymphs
Physical Description: Pale yellow
to dark brown in color, the onion thrips adult is slightly less than
0.08 inches (2 mm) management) long. The two pairs of narrow wings are
fringed with long hairs. Larvae are bean-shaped and white and about
0.01 inches (.25 mm) long.
Feeding characteristics: This
insect pest attacks onions, garlic, and related plants. Is also attacks
cabbage, cauliflower, parsley, cucumber, melons, pumpkin, squash, kale,
turnip, tomato, lettuce, bean, beet, pea, celery, blackberry,
strawberry, and practically all other vegetable and truck crops. Thrips
scrape the tender parts of center leaves and/or terminal buds with
their razor-sharp mouth-parts and feed on plant juices. Leaves develop
silvery blotches or scratch-like markings. Leaves may become distorted
and curl upward.
Light infestations tend to hinders plant growth and impedes
maturity. Heavy infestations may kill terminal buds or even entire
plants. On onions, leaves become curled, crinkled, and twisted, the
growth stops, and plants die. When terminal buds on other types of
crops are damaged, abnormal branching patterns result. Injury to the
plant is more severe under hot-dry conditions.
The Parasitic
Wasps, Predatory Thrips, Predatory
Mites, Lacewings,
and Pirate Bugs
are a natural predators
and can help to control populations.
For serious infestations,
dust with Diatomaceous
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