Garden Symphylan

Garden Symphylan


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Common names:  Garden Symphylan, Garden Centipede

Scientific name (Class):  Chilopoda

Region:  Throughout North America and Europe

The Symphylan is an sporadic, but very destructive pest of many vegetable crops. Symphylans are not insects. They are more closely related to Garden Centipedes and Millipedes.

Life cycle:  Numerous generations per year.  The adults spend the winter in the soil.

Physical Description:  Mature Symphylans are white, a little less than 1/4-inch in length, with 12 pairs of legs and a pair of long-beaded antennae.

Feeding characteristics:  The Symphylan feeds on the roots (causing scarring) and underground plant parts.  Plants may become stunted and die.

Controls:  Flooding with the hose may control them or tobacco tea poured into the soil for serious infestation.  You may try Parasitic Nematodes, though this method has not been thoroughly tested.

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