Fig Beetle

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Common names: Fig Beetle
Scientific name: Cotinis texana
Region: This beetle is found in the Southwestern United States.
Life cycle: The Fig-Beetle produces one generation each year. The larvae overwinter well below the surface of the soil. At the beginning of spring, they pupate, and adults emerge in the early to middle of the summer.
Physical Description: This beetle is copper in color, or green, with bronze on its wing covers. It has a length of 1/2 inch, which is large beetle, and is very broad. The eggs are gray and are oval or round in shape. The eggs are laid in soil with excellent organic matter. The larva is white with a brown head, is thick, and range up to 2 inches in length. The larva will surface when the weather is very wet and will crawl on its back.
Feeding characteristics: The larvae will feed on roots or will disturb them by tunneling. The adults will chew holes in leaves.
Controls: Keep organically rich material, such as compost and grass clippings, away from your garden or orchard.
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