Currant Fruit Fly

Currant Fruit Fly

Photo by USDA

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Common names:  Currant Fruit Fly, Gooseberry Maggot

Scientific name:  Epochra canadensis

Region:  This fly is found in the United States and southern Canada.

Life cycle:  This insect produces one generation each year and overwinters in the soil as a pupa.

It merges from the soil in April or May and lays its eggs in the fruitWhen the fruit drops, the maggots enter the soil.

Physical Description:  This fly is about the size of a housefly, 1/5 to 1/3 inch longIt is yellow to dark brown with dark bands on the wingsIts eggs are laid singly inside the fruit, and the larva is yellowish and ranges from 1/3 to 1/2 inch long.

Feeding characteristics:  This pest attacks the currant and gooseberry plantsThe maggots eat inside the developing fruits, causing them to turn red and prematurely fall from the tree.

Controls:  As soon as blossoms begin to wilt, dust with rotenone in two to three applications at weekly intervals.

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