Citrus Thrips

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Common names: Citrus Thrips
Scientific name: Scirtothrips citri
Region: This insect is found in the southwestern portion of the United States.
Life cycle: These thrips produce numerous generations each year. A new generation emerges every two to three weeks. In some areas, overwintering occurs in the egg stage. The warmer areas see the thrips breed year round.
Physical Description: This brownish orange insect is only 1/50 of an inch long and has a dark hood and margins on its abdomen. It has a similar species that is black. The nymphs are a yellow-orange with red eyes. The eggs are kidney shaped.
Feeding characteristics: This pest attacks citrus, date, grape, and peach plants by sucking the juices from plant tissue. They cause brown streaks on flowers and die prematurely, while fruit forms a circle around the blossom end.
Controls: Controls are usually not necessary, they seldom are a serious threat. Predatory Mites, are a natural predators and can help to control populations. If they are a problem and damage is occurring, dust with Diatomaceous earth.
Also see Avocado Thrip
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