Apple Red Bug

Apple Bug damage
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Common names: Apple Red Bug
Scientific name: Lygidea mendax
Region: The Apple Bug is found in the north central and northeastern United States.
Life cycle: This bug produces one generation each year. The eggs spend the winter in the bark crevices. Hatching occurs before blossoming, and the Bugs mature in June.
Physical Description: This bug is an active red insect with a brownish mid section and black legs. A related species is covered with long white hairs. This bug is 1/4 to 1/3 inch long. A very similar insect is the Tarnished Plant Bug.
Feeding characteristics: This bug attack apple trees as nymphs and adults make small holes in leaves and feed on developing fruit. The leaves become distorted and the apples gnarled with dimples or a series of small russet scars.
Controls: Foliage feeding doesn't cause significant damage and a delayed application of dormant-oil spray just as nymphs emerge should take care of these pests.
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