Essential Gardening Tools
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Using essential gardening tools is important to me, because
I'm a TOTAL advocate of Grow Biointensive (the
gardening and that's what I practice in my garden. If you want to
4 to 6 times more food in the same space as chemical gardening or even
conventional organic gardening, then Grow Biointensive is a
method that
is something you should learn and practice. The list below of essential
vegetable gardening tools is a part of this method. Once you become
proficient with the method then you’ll add or change your own essential
- Garden Spade is a shovel used
to dig
or loosen soil. It has a flat blade with a sharp edge. This
an essential tool for double-digging your food growing beds.

- Garden Fork is a gardening
tool with a handle and strong tines. This tool is used for loosening
the second layer of double-digging. It can also be used to
aerate the
top layer of your beds during the growing season before
crops, to rake out stones and weeds and break up clods. Historically
garden forks were made of wood, but the majority are now made of carbon
steel or stainless steel.

- Garden
Bow Rake is used for
evening out your growing beds and to help rake out loose soil clods and
organic stubble. When I'm growing a compost
crop I cut them at the
based with a round point shovel, then the garden rake is then used to
gather it.

- Garden
Round Point Shovel is
your “must have” universal garden tool. This is my favorite tool. I
live on five acres and I’ve planted many California native trees and
fruit trees throughout my property. I planted them all using this tool.
I also use it to weed by scraping the annual weeds at ground level, and
then use the weeds as compost or mulch in-place.

- Garden Hoe is used to soften
and break up the top 4 inches of your garden bed.

- Garden Trowel is used for
my seedlings, and I often use it for weeding my garden
beds to help pull out the tough weeds.

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